Sign Up for 3rd Quarter

Before signing up for an item please be sure to check the date below to see what is already being brought in. Remember we have around 30 students in the Band.

  • We only request bagels for home games.

    • 12 bagels with cream cheese cut in half

    • 12 bagels with butter cut in half

  • We only need 1 of each type of Sandwiches per game.

    • Ham and Cheese, Turkey, Roast beef

    • These can be 10 regular sandwiches made at home cut into quarters or store-bought sandwiches or subs

  • Uncrustables (4 boxes in total each volunteer is requested to bring 2 boxes)

    • (due to nut allergies, we request only individually packaged peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches)

  • We should have 1 Fruit and 1 Vegetable trays per game

  • Items like cookies and other can have multiple of each item brought in.

  • Water for all year long. Keep everybody hydrated.

Sign Up Below!

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