Honor Bands information

This page will contain dates regarding applications, auditions, rehearsals and concerts for All-Shore Jazz, All-Shore Symphonic Band, and Region Symphonic Band.

Check back often for updates. 🙂


All-Shore Jazz Band

applications 12/4 – 12/20

auditions 1/21/25 (snow date 1/23)

concert 2/8/25 (snow date 2/10)

more dates, audition information, etc.

solo information


Region (All-State) Concert Band

applications SOON

auditions mid-December

concert mid-January 25

more dates

audition information

solo information


All-Shore Symphonic Band

applications 2/18/25 – 3/4/25

auditions 3/18/25 (snow date 3/20)

concert 4/5/25

more dates, audition information, etc.

solo information